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Carer Support Group

What We Do

Member Activities

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except Bank Holidays) we hold tutored sessions in a variety of activities. Our members, with the support of volunteers, enjoy both the activity and the company of others in a relaxed fun atmosphere. Family members are welcome to participate also.


Our Prudhoe and district outreach sessions at Wylam are on Tuesday afternoons.

Carer Support Group

Our Carer Support Group is on the first Wednesday of each month, while one of our activities is running in another room. Here people have the option to talk about their experiences and ideas, and share strategies that work for them.


Family members can:

  • gain encouragement from each other

  • build friendships

  • receive support


Occasionally expert speakers, such as solicitors, doctors and care managers attend meetings to pass on their advice.

After-carers Group

Our After-Carers Group is for family members who no longer attend Chrysalis regularly, but who want to stay in touch. We meet monthly for a catch-up, and to offer mutual support over lunch, coffee, trips or activities.


Some family members have also set up their own spin-off groups to socialise and support each other through difficult situations, such as when residential care may be being considered.

Dementia friendly drumming activities at Hexham, Prudhoe and Wylam
After Carer Group
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